How to join the Lions

lion barrow

You can contact us in a number of ways:

Telephone: 07817 886 002

Email: LINK

Club Meetings: Every 3rd Monday of the month at 07:00PM at the RAVEN HOTEL, Hook

Visiting us at a fund-raising event

Frequently asked questions

Where/when do the Hook & Odiham Lions meet?

These meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Raven Hotel, Hook at 7pm. Business meetings are open to members and guests - if you would like to attend just contact us before hand - see above for contact details.

Who qualifies to attend a Lions Club?

Anyone. Lions Clubs are not restrictive in their membership. Members come from all ethnic and social backgrounds, and creeds. Furthermore the Lions movement is apolitical and secular. Hook & Odiham Lions Club has chosen to be a mixed gender club although this is not always the case. Some clubs are male orientated, while, others are female orientated. Where interest justifies there is also separate provision for younger members of the community.

Can I attend meetings without being a paid-up member?

Yes, by invitation. Normally a potential member would be invited to not more than three business meetings prior to receiving an invitation to apply for membership.

How much will membership cost me per year?

Cost of membership is £60.00 per annum. £30.00 paid bi-annually in January and July.

Is it mandatory to purchase any Club related items as a result of my accepting membership?

No. A range of Lions Club clothing and other items is available, but purchase is not mandatory.

Are there any other hidden expenses I will incur, through membership?

No. Although you will be invited to attend functions at Club and Zone level. These functions, usually dinners are priced at market rate. Such 'sideshows' as the Tail Twister operate at these events to raise funds towards administration costs, but, these are not considered significant amounts.

If I join, what financial and time commitment will be expected of me?

Financial Commitment - After the yearly subscriptions, there are a few additional costs, such as using your car to attend functions and events, purchasing a raffle ticket at meetings and the occasional small round of drinks. 

Time Commitment - Obviously being a member of the Lions club is going to take up some of your time, but it is understood that your family and work come first. After that you give what time you can. Typically there is one evening a month for meetings and then the various fund raising and social events periodically through the year. 

Summer events usually occur during weekends.

How many current members are there in your group?

We have 22 members.  ( July 2024 )

How can I contact the Membership Secretary?

The Membership Secretary is Mark Hazell who can be contacted at:


How do you raise funds?

We raise funds through a number of activities. 

Our prime fund-raisers are the Christmas Collection, run in parallel with our Christmas Sleigh tour and Easter Egg raffles. We also raise funds through operation of game stalls at fetes and other ad-hoc promotions. These fund raising activities are coordinated by the Fund Raising Chairman.

How do you distribute funds?

Funds are awarded to worthy causes by a consensus of the members. Usually the Welfare Chairman will recommend worthy causes at the Board of Directors meeting, also held monthly, who will set the proposed donation and refer to a vote at the business meeting for confirmation.  

Where do you distribute funds?

Priority is placed on supporting the needy or deserving causes within the Clubs operating area. Some funds are allocated to International causes upon guidance of the Board of Directors. The Lions Movement does not recognize any boundaries to its area of donations. All proposals or applications are considered on a case by case basis. 

Does the Club hold any social activities?

Yes, part of the Lions Club philosophy is to stimulate charitable activities through encouragement of social functions within the membership. The Hook & Odiham Lions Social Secretary regularly organizes suppers, bowling nights, outings, etc for the members. These functions may be held in conjunction with other Lions Clubs . Costs are always at rates competitive with any other social functions.